The price of refuelled hydrogen: Comparing Europe, the US, Japan and China

The price of refuelled hydrogen: Comparing Europe, the US, Japan and China


Hydrogen is increasingly being seen as a clean and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels in transportation. More and more countries are investing in hydrogen infrastructure and developing vehicles powered by this energy source. However, just like gasoline or diesel, the price of hydrogen is a crucial factor for drivers.

In this analysis, we will explore how much it costs per kilogram of refueled hydrogen in Europe, the United States, Japan, and China, leaders in the adoption of this technology, expressing the prices in their national currencies.

European panorama

  • Germany: Between €9 and €12 per kg (between €10.23 and €13.72 per kg in US dollars).
  • France: Between €9 and €11 per kg (between €10.23 and €12.47 per kg in US dollars).
  • United Kingdom: Between €8 and €10 per kg (between €9.15 and €11.44 per kg in US dollars).

It is important to consider that these prices may vary depending on the service station, the purity of the hydrogen, and supply and demand.

Situation in the United States

  • California: Between $5 and $7 per kg (between $5.66 and $7.93 per kg in US dollars).
  • New York: Between $6 and $8 per kg (between $6.79 and $9.15 per kg in US dollars).
  • Texas: Between $4 and $6 per kg (between $4.57 and $6.86 per kg in US dollars).

As in Europe, hydrogen prices in the United States vary depending on the service station, the purity of the hydrogen, and supply and demand.

The case of Japan

In Japan, the price of refueled hydrogen per kilogram is around €3, equivalent to $3.43 USD per kg.

This remarkable cost reduction is due to various factors, such as higher domestic hydrogen production, lower taxes, and greater efficiency at service stations.

China: A benchmark in prices

In China, the price of refueled hydrogen per kilogram is around €2.5, equivalent to $2.83 USD per kg.

China has become an important player in the hydrogen market in recent years, with prices that are among the lowest in the world.

Conclusions: An evolving landscape

The price of refueled hydrogen per kilogram varies considerably between Europe, the United States, Japan, and China. In general, prices are highest in Europe, followed by the United States, Japan, and China. However, it is important to note that prices are falling in all four markets as hydrogen production and demand increase.

As hydrogen technology continues to develop and hydrogen infrastructure expands, the price of refueled hydrogen per kilogram is expected to continue to decline in the coming years, making it more competitive with fossil fuels.

For drivers considering buying a hydrogen car, it is essential to compare hydrogen prices at different service stations. It is also important to consider the vehicle’s hydrogen consumption, as this can significantly affect the total cost of driving.

Overall, hydrogen has the potential to be a clean and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels for transportation. However, the price of hydrogen remains an important factor for drivers. As hydrogen technology continues to develop and hydrogen infrastructure expands, hydrogen is expected to become more accessible and affordable for consumers, driving its widespread adoption.

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