This interesting event will take place on November 17, 2016 at the National Hydrogen Center, CNH2, in Puertollano (Ciudad Real), the Launching Meeting of the ENHIGMA project “Optimization and improvement of PEM electrolysis cells for the production of Hydrogen through simulation and experimentation “which will be attended by representatives and participants of each of the entities that are part of the project.
With public access, the presentation day of the ENHIGMA project will have and will begin at 11:30 a.m. In it will be exposed the general objectives of the same and the different work packages in which it is divided. Each of the entities will then make a short presentation explaining their role in the project, as well as the results expected to be obtained.
In a second part, and to conclude the day, the attendees will visit the laboratories of CNH2 showing the facilities where they will carry out part of the research framed within the ENHIGMA project.
To achieve the optimization and improvement of PEM electrolysis cells, the project focuses on optimizing the design and materials of one of the main components that make up these equipments: bipolar plates. On the one hand, the bipolar plates are in charge of providing mechanical support, as well as distributing the water and conducting the gases generated until the exit, guaranteeing the efficiency of the process. On the other hand, they represent one of the most expensive elements of an electrolysis cell, so any activity aimed at improving a PEM cell must go through the optimization of its bipolar plates.
The ENHIGMA project is a project financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), with file number RTC-2016-5189-3, whose objective is to obtain a hydrogen production equipment by means of electrolysis of water, based on PEM technology , Which offers greater durability and lower energy consumption compared to current systems.
Who makes up this consortium? The project is led by the company Adix Ingeniería S.L.U. (Tomelloso, Ciudad Real) and in which, besides the National Hydrogen Center that coordinates the project, the companies Hidrógena Desarrollos Energéticos S.L. (Hontoria, Segovia) and FLUBETECH S.L. (Castellar del Vallès, Barcelona), as well as the Association of Navarre Industry, AIN (Cordovilla, Navarra) and the Metal Technology Center of Castilla-La Mancha, ITECAM (Tomelloso, Ciudad Real).