Forum for Sustainable Engineering Granada

Forum for Sustainable Engineering Granada

Forum for Sustainable Engineering Granada:

The objectives of sustainable development of the United Nations and the European Horizon 2020 program will be discussed in Granada on 29 and 30 September. These programs provide an optimal framework for the collaboration of the public and private sectors in order to achieve more efficient solutions.

This unique event in the region will seek to be a forum for reference and exchange of knowledge in the field of sustainable development, construction and the environment.

The Forum is aimed at researchers, private sector professionals, public bodies and civil society interested in the fields of sustainable development, climate change, renewable energy, ecology, water, mobility, social entrepreneurship and financing instruments for sustainability.

Program of the Forum for Sustainable Development:

Program of the Forum for Sustainable Development

Program of the Forum for Sustainable Development

Within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) we can frame Energy in the following objective:

ODS: Ensure access to affordable, secure, sustainable and modern energy for all.

Some figures and important data:

– One in five people still does not have access to modern electricity.
– About 2.6 billion people in the developing world face difficulties in accessing electricity full time.
– Three million people depend on traditional biomass, such as wood and animal plant residues, for cooking and heating.
– Energy is the main contributor to climate change, accounting for about 60% of total global greenhouse gas emissions.
– Reducing carbon emissions from energy is a long-term climate-related objective.

– 1.3 billion people do not have access to electricity.
– By 2030 there will still be 1000 million people without access.
– The number of people employed in the renewable energy sectors is currently around 2.3 million.

Given the current gaps in information, this is, without a doubt, a very conservative number.

Alternative energies improve the environment:

As a Chemical Engineer I know the increase in interest in alternative energies, it is expected that from 2.3 million jobs in renewable energies we will move to 20 million jobs by 2030.

Knowing this data it is important that the people who possess the knowledge, develop our talent in the field of construction and the environment to achieve sustainable development and a more just energy for all.

In conclusion, the energy we are currently generating represents about 60% of the carbon emissions that cause the greenhouse effect.

I am sure that the hydrogen technology you relied on will improve this data and we will get clean energy with 0.0 balance.

If you need more information you can visit the forum website here.


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