H2 – News Brief 11/12/2018

H2 - News Brief 11/12/2018

🌐 EQUO insiste en que España debe mantener los compromisos en la lucha contra el Cambio #Climático: ha presentado hoy un documento de demandas para la Cumbre del Clima y ha insistido en la necesidad de que se produzcan… http://bit.ly/2RRc0Up

🚘 WEY will launch a #hydrogen-powered vehicle model in 2020: Great Wall Motor’s premium SUV brand, WEY, plans to launch its first hydrogen-powered vehicle model in 2020 and formally launch the model… http://bit.ly/2C6bkVC

🌐 #Bioindicators of contamination: The doctor in animal and plant biology Víctor Manuel Gómez Reyes, researcher in taxonomy, #ecology and ethnomyology of the Herbarium of the Faculty of Biology of the UMSNH, explains that one of … http://bit. ly/2QnJUmM

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