H2 – News Briefs 22/10/2018

H2 - News Briefs 22/10/2018

H2 – News Briefs 22/10/2018

📰 The man who thwarted the Nazi nuclear plan dies: he penetrated and destroyed key parts of the highly protected Norsk Hydro plant. A plant that produced heavy water, or D2O, a substance rich in #hydrogen that was key to development… http://bit.ly/2OC5VgO

🚘 Hyundai has been the first brand to register a vehicle with a #hydrogen fuel cell in Spain. The brand has always aimed to protect the environment and lead the technology industry… http://bit.ly/2S97TUf

🔬 #Hydrogen atom: Bohr linked Rutherford’s idea of a nuclear atom with the ideas of a new branch of Science: Quantum Physics. Thus, in 1913 he formulated a hypothesis on the atomic structure in which he established three postulates… http://bit.ly/2q7cr0h

🌐 Generators of Gases: We have air generators, #hydrogen and nitrogen, zero air, pure, dry, ultracero or for TOC, combined generators and everything your laboratory may need with maximum safety and efficiency… http://bit.ly/2CZ2rPq

🌐 They propose a new method to detect black holes: The new technique of IAC researchers measures the brightness of these binary systems, using a combination of filters centered on the #hydrogen Halfa line… http://bit.ly/2OGXkcT

🔬 Chemical reactions thanks to the quantum tunnel effect of enzymes: this effect can appear when light atoms such as #hydrogen are involved, which is very common in multiple chemical reactions in the human body… http://bit.ly/2AlxylI


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