It begins one of the most important weeks of the year for mobility, the so-called “week of sustainable mobility” or mobilityweek. The purpose of this movement is to get clean air in our cities.
Some of these cities, such as Puertollano, join the European Mobility Week starting on Sunday, September 18 and for the next seven days, with proposals such as free urban bus or a scalextric of hydrogen cars.
This scalextric is possible thanks to the National Hydrogen Center (CNH2) that for years has been betting on hydrogen through an early education.
Students of 3º and 4º of the ESO educational centers Juan de Távora, Santa Bárbara, Inmaculada Enpetrol, Fray Andrés, Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei.
In this way, Puertollano wants to be a model of a sustainable city and respect for the environment.
It seems to me a great job on the part of the City Council of Puertollano to try to include hydrogen within this event since we are many who trust that it is the energy of the future, a clean energy.
For its part, the Council of Granada also celebrates the week of mobility since last 16 September with various events that you can consult on this link.
I invite the City Council, the University and the Andalusian Government to rely on entrepreneurial university students like me who rely on this type of clean energy to include events related to hydrogen for upcoming events related to sustainable mobility.
A thousand European municipalities are united these days under the motto “Intelligent mobility, strong economy“, in my opinion the intelligent thing is to move towards a clean city where to move is not synonymous to contaminate and in this aspect the great strength of the hydrogen is to be able to create the denominated “Hydrogen economy” which allows our capitalist society to keep pace and stop polluting.